Lesson 1. Importance and Scope of Military Preventive Medicine - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineEffects of Diseases Upon Troops - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineGarrison Preventive Medicine - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineEnvironmental Solution - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineHospital Acquired Infection Control - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineEssentials for the Transmission of Disease - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineMethods of Transmission (Vehicles) - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSusceptible Individual - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineCommunicable Disease Control Measures - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineControl of the Disease Source - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineProtection of the Susceptible Person - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineAdequate Nutrition. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercise, Lesson 1 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercise, Lesson 1-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSolution to Exercise, Lesson 1 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineLesson Assignment - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080022Lesson 2. The Army Immunization Program - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineImmunity and Resistance - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineTypes of Vaccines - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicinePerson Subject ot Routine Immunizations - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineTable 2-1. Schedule of immunizations, adult-concluded - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineMilitary Dependents - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExemptions and Waivers. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSpecial Immunizations - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineRecords of Immunization - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 2-2. PHS Form 731 (International Certificates of Vaccination). - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 2-3. Standard Form 601 (Health Record-Immunization Record) (Front). - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 2-4. Standard Form 601 (Health Record-Immunization Record) (Back). - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 2 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080036Exercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080037Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 2 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineLesson Assignment - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080039Lesson 3. Field Forces/Fixed Installation - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineUnit-Level Preventive Medicine Activities - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFood Service Sanitation. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSkin Diseases - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineArthropod-Borne Diseases and Parasites - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFood and Waterborne Diseases - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSupportive Preventive Medicine - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSection II. Preventive Medicine Activities in Fixed Installations - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineInstallation Medical Support. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicinePreventive Medicine - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 3 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSolutions to Exercises, Lesson 3 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineLesson Assignment - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080053Lesson 4. Climatic Injury Control - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineEnvironmental Factors - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineHost Factors - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineDiscipline, Training, and Experience. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineDuration of Exposure - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicinePrevention - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineGuidelines in Use of Clothing - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineThe Wind Chill Chart - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSection II. Environmental Heat Injuries - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineEnvironmental and Physiological Factors-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineHeat Cramps - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineHeatstroke (Sunstroke) - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicinePrevention of Adverse Effects of Heat - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineAcclimatization - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineWork Schedules - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineProtection From the Environment - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSpecial Considerations in Recruit Training - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineWet Bulb Globe Temperature Index - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 4-1. WBGT index--field apparatus. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineUse of the Wet Bulb Globe Temperature Index Index - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 4 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080075Exercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080076Exercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080077Exercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080078Exercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080079Exercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080080Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 4 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSolutions to Exercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineLesson Assignment - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080083Lesson 5. Medical Aspects of Water Sypply - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineCorps of Engineers. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineWater Requirements - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineTable 5-1. Guide to average drinking water requirements. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineTable 5-2. Common impurities in water. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 5-1. The pH scale. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSection II. Principles of Water Purification - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSedimentation - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineDisinfection - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSection III. Quartermaster Water Treatment - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 5-2. Continuous-flow coagulation assembly. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 5-4. Typical layout for mobile purification units. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineDiatomite Filters - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineDetermining Chlorine Residual and pH - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 5 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 5-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080099Exercises, Lesson 5-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080100Solution to Exercises, Lesson 5 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineLesson Assignment - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080102Lesson 6. Field Water Supply and Waste Disposal - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 6-2. Lyster bag and soakage pit. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineWater Reconnaissance - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 6-3. Items in chlorination kit. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineLyster Bag Chlorination Procedure. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineIndividual Water Purification - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineUse of Calcium Hypochlorite to Purify Water in a Canteen. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSection II. Field Waste Disposal - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineDisposal of Human Wastes - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineConstruction and Closing of Latrines - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineScreening. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineStraddle Trench Latrines - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 6-6. Deep pit latrine for 50 men. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineLatrines Used in High Water Table Areas - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 6-8. Burn-out latrine. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineBored-Hole Latrine - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicinePail or Bucket Latrine - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineUrine Disposal Facilities - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 6-11. Urine soakage pit with pipe urinal arrangement. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineOperation of Urine Disposal Facilities - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineKitchen Liquids - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineGrease Traps - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineBarrel Filter - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineDisposal of Garbage - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 6-17. Inclined plan incinerator. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineRubbish Disposal - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSection III. Field Sanitary Devices - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineIndividual Cleaning of Messkit - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineMethods of Heating Water. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFire Trench - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineOil-Water Flash Burner - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineVapor-Type Burner - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 6-22. Vapor-type burner. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineModified M-1937 Heater - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineOperation Hazards, Heating Devices - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 6-24. Improvised messkit washline setup. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineDrainage Devices for Washing Units - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineFigure 6-25. Handwashing devices using five-gallon water cans. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineImprovised Shaving and Washing Device - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineDrum On Overhead Platform. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineConvection Type Setup. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 6 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 6-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080145Exercises, Lesson 6-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080146Exercises, Lesson 6-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080147Exercises, Lesson 6-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080148Exercises, Lesson 6-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080149Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 6 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSolutions to Exercises, Lesson 6-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineLesson Assignment - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080152Lesson 7. Military Medical Entomology Field Control - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineTable 7-1. Types of arthropod-borne disease control. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineArthropods Affect Sense Organs - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineTransmission of Diseases - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineHealth Care - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineField Environmental Control - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 7 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 7-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080160Exercises, Lesson 7-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080161Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 7 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineLesson Assignment - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080163Lesson 8. Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicinePublic Attitude Toward Sexually Transmitted Disease - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineGonorrhea - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineSyphilis. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineHerpes Progenitalis - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineArmed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineControl of Prostitution - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineCommand and Staff Efforts. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineContact Tracing. - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineRole of the Army Medical Department - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 8 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineExercises, Lesson 8-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080175Exercises, Lesson 8-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080176Exercises, Lesson 8-cont. - Introduction to Military Preventive Medicine - MD00080177Solution to Exercises, Lesson 8 - Introduction to Military Preventive MedicineIntroduction to Military Preventive Medicine