Section I. General - Pesticides in the MilitaryToxicity - Pesticides in the MilitarySection II. Insecticides - Pesticides in the MilitaryClassification According to Chemical Composition - Pesticides in the MilitarySynthetic Organic Insecticides. - Pesticides in the MilitaryMalathion. - Pesticides in the MilitaryRepellents - Pesticides in the MilitaryTable 1-1. Toxicities of common insecticides. - Pesticides in the MilitarySection III. Rodenticides - Pesticides in the MilitaryZinc Phosphide - Pesticides in the MilitarySection IV. Fumigants and Fungicides - Pesticides in the MilitarySection V. Herbicides - Pesticides in the MilitaryStandard Military Herbicides - Pesticides in the MilitaryTable 1-2. Standard military herbicides and their characteristics. - Pesticides in the MilitaryExercises, Lesson 1 - Pesticides in the MilitaryExercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730024Exercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730025Exercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730026Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 1 - Pesticides in the MilitaryLesson Assignment - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730028Section I. Pesticide Formulations - Pesticides in the MilitarySuspensions - Pesticides in the MilitaryEmulsions - Pesticides in the MilitaryFigure 2-1. Formulation of dusts and suspensions. - Pesticides in the MilitaryFigure 2-2. Formulation of solutions and emulsions. - Pesticides in the MilitarySection II. Pesticide Mixing Calculations - Pesticides in the MilitaryFigure 2-3. Volumetric calculations. - Pesticides in the MilitaryWeight/Volume Calculations - Pesticides in the MilitaryCalculation. - Pesticides in the MilitaryFigure 2-4. Weight/volume calculations. - Pesticides in the MilitarySection III. Pesticide Application Calculations - Pesticides in the MilitaryAreas in Acres. - Pesticides in the MilitaryDetermining Amount of Formulation Per Unit Area - Pesticides in the MilitaryFigure 2-5. Standard pesticide label. - Pesticides in the MilitaryPounds of Toxicant per Acre and Pounds of Diluted Dust Per Acre Computation. - Pesticides in the MilitaryExercises, Lesson 2 - Pesticides in the MilitaryExercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730045Exercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730046Exercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730047Exercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730048Exercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730049Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 2 - Pesticides in the MilitarySolutions to Exercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Pesticides in the MilitaryLesson Assignment - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730052Section I. Personnel and Training - Pesticides in the MilitarySection II. Safe Handling and Storage - Pesticides in the MilitaryHazards in the Use of Pesticides - Pesticides in the MilitaryToxicity of Pesticides - Pesticides in the MilitaryStorage and Disposal of Pesticides - Pesticides in the MilitaryClimatic conditions. - Pesticides in the MilitaryPrecautions in Handling Pesticides - Pesticides in the MilitaryThe Cholinesterase Test - Pesticides in the MilitaryFirst Aid and Antidotes - Pesticides in the MilitaryTable 3-1. Pesticides and antidotes. - Pesticides in the MilitarySection III. Pesticides and the Environment - Pesticides in the MilitaryHazards to Man - Pesticides in the MilitaryHazards to Other Nontarget Organisms - Pesticides in the MilitaryRoutes of Contamination - Pesticides in the MilitaryTemperature. - Pesticides in the MilitaryPesticide Resistance - Pesticides in the MilitaryImplications for Pest Control Personnel - Pesticides in the MilitaryExercises, Lesson 3 - Pesticides in the MilitaryExercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730071Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730072Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730073Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730074Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730075Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 3 - Pesticides in the MilitarySolutions to Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Pesticides in the MilitaryLesson Assignment - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730078Section I. The Federal Hazard Communication Standard - Pesticides in the MilitaryThe Hazard Communication Standard Goals-cont. - Pesticides in the MilitarySection II. Chemical Forms and Exposure Hazards - Pesticides in the MilitaryDegree of Hazard - Pesticides in the MilitarySection III. Types of Physical and Health Hazards - Pesticides in the MilitaryDo's and Dont's of Physical Hazards - Pesticides in the MilitaryTypes of Health Hazards - Pesticides in the MilitarySection IV. Controlling Chemical Hazards - Pesticides in the MilitaryAdministrative Controls - Pesticides in the MilitarySection V. Material Safety Data Sheets and Physical Hazard Information - Pesticides in the MilitaryPhysical/Chemical Characteristics (Section III) - Pesticides in the MilitaryReactivity Sata (Section V) - Pesticides in the MilitaryFigure 4-1. Material Safety Data Sheet-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730091Figure 4-1. Material Safety Data Sheet-cont. - Pesticides in the Military - MD01730092Figure 4-1. Material Safety Data Sheet-concluded - Pesticides in the MilitarySection VI. Material Safety Data Sheets and Health Hazard Information - Pesticides in the MilitaryWarning Labels - Pesticides in the MilitaryFigure 4-2. Hazard warning label. - Pesticides in the MilitaryHazardous Chemical Inventory - Pesticides in the MilitaryFigure 4-3. Hazardous Chemical Inventory. - Pesticides in the MilitaryExercises. Lesson 4 - Pesticides in the MilitarySolutions to Exercises. Lesson 4 - Pesticides in the MilitaryPesticides in the Military