Lesson 1. Blood Collection, Processing, Storage, and Shipment. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IFigure 1-1. Blood donor record card (top--front; bottom--back). - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IBlood Donor Registration - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IDonor Selection - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IDonor Selection (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IMedical History of Potetial Donors - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IMedical History of Potetial Donors (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450013Medical History of Potetial Donors (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450014Medical History of Potetial Donors (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450015Medical History of Potetial Donors (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450016Medical History of Potetial Donors (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450017Medical History of Potetial Donors (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450018Medical History of Potetial Donors (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450019Permanent Deferment of Donors - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITwelve Month Deferment of Donors (in Case Hepatitis Develops) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ISpecial Donor Categories - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IThe Collection of Blood - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IFigure 1-2. Plastic blood pack. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IThe Identification of Materials - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IPreparation of the venipuncture site - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IPhlebotomy and Collection of Samples for Processing and Compatibility Tests - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IFigure 1-3. A vacuum-assist device. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IFigure - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IFigure 1-5. Blood pack mounted on the automatic shut-off blood collecting balance. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IFigure 1-7. Filling tubes for laboratory tests. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IFigure 1-8. Procedure for collecting pilot tube specimens. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IStart Care of the Donor After Phlebotomy - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IDonor Reactions - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITreatment - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITwitching or muscular spasms - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IEmergency Supplies - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IProcessing Requirements for Donor Blood - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ILabeling - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ISection II. Blood Storage and Shipment - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IAntocoagulant Preservatives - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ICPD and CPDA-1. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 1-2. Biochemical changes of blood stored in CPD and CPDA-1. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 1-3. Biochemical changes of red cells stored in additive systems for 35 days. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IRefrigeration of Blood - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITransportation of Blood - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITransportation of Blood (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITransportation of Frozen Components - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IBacteriologic Procedures - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITransportation of Infected Reagents - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IExercises - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450051Exercises (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450052Exercises (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450053Exercises (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450054Exercises (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450055Exercises (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450056Exercises (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450057Exercises (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450058Exercises (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450059Solutions to Exercises - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450060Solutions to Exercises (Cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450061Lesson Assignment - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450062Lesson 2. Immunogenetics. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-1. Chemistry of cellular antigens. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IFigure 2-1. Blood group antigen synthesis. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-2. Alleles, genotypes, and phenotypes. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IModes of Inheritance - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ISection II. The ABO System - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IFigure 2-2. Development of H, AB, and Lewis antigens. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IAntigen Loci. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-3. Conversion of H substance (antigen) to blood groups. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ISecretor and Lewis Genes. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-5. Red blood cell and salivary antigens determined by ABO, Hh, sese, and lele genes - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IDevelopment of Antibodies. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I"Immune" antibodies. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IRoutine Testing for ABO - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ICell-Testing on a Slide. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-6. Routine ABO grouping. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ISpecial RPocedures-Test for Hemolysins - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IDiscrepancies between cell and serum results - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IProblems with Red Blood Cells. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IResolving Discrepancies. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ISpecific Procedures. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-8. Reactions of polyagglutinable cells with lectins. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ISection III. The Rh system - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IOther Major Antigens - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IRh-Hr, CDE, and Numerical Terms. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IPhenotype and Genotype. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-10. Determination of some Rh phenotypes from typing results. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IZygosity of Rh-Positives. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-11. Frequencies of the more common Rh-positive genotypes. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ISubunits of Rho(D) - Dmosaic - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-12. Equivalent notations in the Rh system. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ICompound Antigens and Spatial Configuration. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IThe Landsteiner and Wiener Problem - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IRHnull Symdrome - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IRh Antibodies - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IPrevention of Rho(D) Immunization - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IRh Typing - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IAnti-Rho(D) Serum for Slide or Rapid Tube Test - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-13. Variables in manufacturer's instructions for Rho(D)-testing. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITube testing. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITesting for Du. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IAnti-Rho(D), Saline-Reactive. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IRho(D)-Typing in Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IGeneral Considerations in Rh-Testing - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ISection IV. Other Blood Group Systems - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-15. Serologic behavior of Lewis system antibodies. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking II Blood Group System - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-17. Some examples illustrating the serologic behavior of I system antibodies - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-18. Some phenotype frequencies in the Kell system. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-19. Antigen frequencies in the Kell system. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-20. Serologic behavior of Kell system antibodies. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IP blood group system - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-22. Serologic behavior of P system antibodies. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-23. Phenotypes and frequencies in the Duffy system. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-25. Phenotypes and frequencies in the Kidd system. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-26. Serologic behavior of Kidd system antibodies. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2─27. Phenotypes and frequencies in the MN system. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-29. Phenotypes and frequencies of the Lutheran system in Whites. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ILutheran Bolld Group System - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-30. Additional blood group systems in which antithetical antigens are known. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-31. Additional blood group systems in which more than one antigen is known - Immunohematology and Blood Banking ITable 2-33. Some apparently unrelated antigens of low incidence. - Immunohematology and Blood Banking IExercises - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450125Exercises (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450126Exercises (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450127Exercises (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450128Exercises (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450129Exercises (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450130Exercises (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450131Exercises (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450132Exercises (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450133Exercises (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450134Exercises (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450135Solutions to Exercises - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450136Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Immunohematology and Blood Banking I - MD08450137Immunohematology and Blood Banking I