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Medical Reference and Training Manuals
> Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Lesson 1. Preoperative Care of the Surgical Patient. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 1-1. Perioperative nursing. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Surgical Experience - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Managing Preoperative Fears. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 1-2. Turning techniques. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 1-3. Deep breathing exercise. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Coughing - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 1-4. Coughing exercise. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Nursing Implications for Preparing a Patient for Surgery - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 1-6. DD Form 1924, Surgical Checklist. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Patient's chart. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 1-7. SF 522, Request for Administration of Anesthesia and for Performance of Operations and Other Procedures. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Acquire required x-ray reports and films as necessary - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Final Preparation of the Preoperative Patient. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Communication. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 1-8. Typical NPO sign. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
The Morning of Surgery - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Exercises - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150024
Exercises (cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150025
Exercises (cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150026
Solutions to Exercises - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150027
Lesson Assignment - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150028
Lesson 2. Operating Room Care of the Surgical Patient. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 2-1. Typical surgical team. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Key Members of the Surgical Team - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Section III. The Anesthetic Agent - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Factors Considered When Selecting an Anesthetic Agent - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
General Anesthetic. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Section IV. Reasons for Surgery - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Reasons for Surgery Varies - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Exercises - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150037
Exercises (Cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150038
Exercises (Cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150039
Solutions to Exercises - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150040
Lesson Assignment - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150041
Lesson 3. Recovery Room Care of the Surgical Patient. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Facts About the Recovery Room - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 3-1. Typical recovery room. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Facts Concerning Respiratory Distress. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 3-3. Patient in Fowler's position. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Nursing Implications for the Early Detection of Pending Hypovolemic Shock - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 3-5. Position of the siderails. A. High positon. B. Intermediate postion. C. Low position - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
General Nursing Implications for the Care of a Patient - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
General Nursing Implications for the Care of a Patient (cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Section III. Suctioning the Patient in the Recovery Room - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 3-6. SF 510, Nursing Notes. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Administering Oral/Nasal Suctioning to the Recovery Room Patient - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 3-7. The connection of the suction catheter and the tube from the suction machine. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Administering Oral/Nasal Suctioning to the Recovery Room Patient (Cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Administering Andotracheal Suctioning to the Recovery Room Patient - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 3-8. Endotracheal tube in position. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 3-9. Semi-Fowler's position. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Administering Andotracheal Suctioning to the Recovery Room Patient (cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150059
Administering Andotracheal Suctioning to the Recovery Room Patient (cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150060
Exercises - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150061
Exercises (Cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150062
Exercises (Cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150063
Solutions to Exercises - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150064
Lesson Assignment - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150065
Lesson 4. Postoperative Care of the Surgical Patient. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Section II. Effects of Anesthesia on Major Body Systems - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Section III. Effects of Surgery on the Integumentary Systems - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 4-1. Wound separations. A. Dehiscence. B. Evisceration. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 4-2. Penrose drain. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Section IV. Nursing Implications by Body Systems of a Postoperative Patient - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Urinary System - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Gastrointestinal system - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Nasogastric Tube. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 4-3. NEX -- Nose to Ear to Xiphoid. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Nasogastric Tube. (cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 4-4. Advancing NG tube. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 4-5. Applying tape to secure NG tube. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Rectal Tube - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 4-6. Rectal tube inserted. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Integumentary System - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Procedures for Collecting/Submitting a Wound Culture Specimen From a Postoperative Patient. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Maintain the Postoperative Patient's Wound/Nasogastric Drainage Tubes - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Maintain the Postoperative Patient's Wound/Nasogastric Drainage Tubes (cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 4-7. Hemovac. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 4-12. Opening outlet to remove drainage. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Remove Sutures from a Postoperative Patient's Surgical Wound. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Figure 4-13 Removing suture from wound. - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Section V. Genral Nursing Implications of the Postoperative Patient - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
General Postoperative Nursing Tasks - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient
Exercises - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150091
Exercises (Cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150092
Exercises (Cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150093
Solutions to Exercises - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient - md09150094
Solutions to Exercises (Cont) - Nursing Care of the Surgical Patient