Lesson 1: Arthropod Biology and Life Cycles - Arthropod Identification and SurveysPhylum Arthropoda - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 1-3. Soft tick, example of an arachnid with one body region. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 1-6. Lobster and crab, examples of class Crustacea. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSubclassification of the Classes - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSection II. Class Insecta - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 1-8. Examples of how mosquito eggs are laid. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 1-9. Typical resting positions of Anopheles mosquitoes in their larval and adult stages. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysLice - Arthropod Identification and SurveysThe Body Louse, Pediculus humanus humanus. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysThe Crab Louse, Pthirus pubis. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFleas - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFlies - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 17. Adult housefly. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSand FIies (Phlebotomines). - Arthropod Identification and SurveysPunkies, Culicoides. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSection III. Class Arachnida - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSoft Ticks (Family Argasidae). - Arthropod Identification and SurveysMites - Arthropod Identification and SurveysScorpions - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSpiders - Arthropod Identification and SurveysBrown Recluse Spider, Loxosceles reclusa. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSection IV. Classes Chilopoda and Diplopoda - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSection V. Class Crustacea - Arthropod Identification and SurveysExercises, Lesson 1 - Arthropod Identification and SurveysExercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700032Exercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700033Exercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700034Exercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700035Exercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700036Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 1 - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSolutions to Exercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysLesson Assignment - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700039Lesson 2: Arthropod Identification - Arthropod Identification and SurveysStandard Identification Keys - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 2-1. Pictorial key to common classes and orders of adult arthropods - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 2-2. Standard identification key-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700043Figure 2-2. Standard identification key-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700044Figure 2-2. Standard identification key-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700045Figure 2-2. Standard identification key-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700046Figure 2-2. Standard identification key-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700047Figure 2-2. Standard identification key-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700048Figure 2-2. Standard identification key-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700049Figure 2-2. Standard identification key-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700050Figure 2-2. Standard identification key-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700051Figure 2-2. Standard identification key-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700052Figure 2-2. Standard identification key-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700053Figure 2-2. Standard identification key-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700054Exercises, Lesson 2 - Arthropod Identification and SurveysExercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700056Exercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700057Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 2 - Arthropod Identification and SurveysLesson Assignment - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700059Lesson 3: Arthropod Surveys - Arthropod Identification and SurveysEquipment, Tools, and Supplies-cont. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysMosquito Surveys - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 3-1. Equipment for mosquito surveys. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 3-2. Schematic map showing mosquito sampling stations. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysLight Traps. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysResting Station Collections. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysBiting Collections. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFly Surveys - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 3-4. Fly trap---attached bait pan type. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFly Cone Surveys. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysMite Surveys - Arthropod Identification and SurveysCollection of Arthropod Ectoparasites - Arthropod Identification and SurveysCollecting Nests. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysCockroach Surveys - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 3-9. Cockroach egg capsules. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure3-10. German cockroaches. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSection II. Data Recording - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 3-12. Entomological survey report format. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 3-13. Mosquito survey map. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 3-14. Arthropod survey map. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSurvey Data Sheets - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 3-16. Arthropod survey data sheet. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 3-17. Example of indices. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysExercises, Lesson 3 - Arthropod Identification and SurveysExercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700085Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700086Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700087Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700088Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 3 - Arthropod Identification and SurveysLesson Assignment - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700090Lesson 4: Arthropod Preservation, Mounting, and Shipping - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 4-1. Correct mounting position for adult fly, order Diptera. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysMinuten Pin Mounts - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 4-4. Minuten pin mount, top view and front view. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysPaper Point Mounts - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSection III. Alcohol Preservation - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSection IV. Slide Mounts - Arthropod Identification and SurveysTemporary Slide Mounts - Arthropod Identification and SurveysPermanent Slide Mounts - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 4-7. Correct mounting positions for a flea, a louse, and a mite. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 3-8. Correct mounting position for a culicine mosquito larva. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSection V. Specific Mounting Procedures - Arthropod Identification and SurveysMounting Mosquito Larvae and Pupae in Balsam - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSection VI. Shipping Procedures - Arthropod Identification and SurveysAlcohol Mounted Specimens - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure 4-11. Specimens in pillbox. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysExercises, Lesson 4 - Arthropod Identification and SurveysExercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700108Exercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700109Exercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700110Exercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700111Exercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Arthropod Identification and Surveys - MD01700112Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 4 - Arthropod Identification and SurveysSolutions to Exercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysAppendix A. Introduction to Mosquito Identification - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure A-1. Characteristics of an adult female mosquito - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure A-2. Head of male vs. female culicine mosquito. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure A-3. Pictorial key to common genera of adult female mosquitoes in the US. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure A-3. Pictorial key to common genera of adult female mosquitoes in the US-cont. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure A-3. Pictorial key to common genera of adult female mosquitoes in the US-concluded - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure A-4. The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti (L) - Arthropod Identification and SurveysFigure A-5. Mosquitoes: Pictorial key of US genera of larvae. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysAppendix B. Supplies Used in Arthropod Surveys - Arthropod Identification and SurveysAppendix B. Supplies Used in Arthropod Surveys-cont. - Arthropod Identification and SurveysArthropod Identification and Surveys