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Medical Reference and Training Manuals
> Pharmacology IV
Lesson 1. The Human Digestive System. - Pharmacology IV
Major Organs - Pharmacology IV
Figure 1-2. Anatomy of the oral complex. - Pharmacology IV
Figure 1-3. Section of a tooth and jaw. - Pharmacology IV
Section III. The stomach - Pharmacology IV
Section IV. The Small Intestine and Associated Glands - Pharmacology IV
Section V. The large intestines - Pharmacology IV
Section VII. Accessory Structures of the Digestive System - Pharmacology IV
Section VIII. Absorption and Metabolism in the Digestive System - Pharmacology IV
The digestion of fat - Pharmacology IV
Disorders of the Mouth Cavity - Pharmacology IV
Disorders of the Intestines - Pharmacology IV
Cirrhosis - Pharmacology IV
Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070022
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070023
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070024
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070025
Solutions to Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070026
Lesson Assignment - Pharmacology IV - MD08070027
Lesson 2. Antacids and Digestants. - Pharmacology IV
Antacid Preparations - Pharmacology IV
Aluminum Hydroxide (Amphojel) - Pharmacology IV
Aluminum Hydroxide and Magnesium Trisilicate Tablets (Gaviscon). - Pharmacology IV
Section II. Digestants - Pharmacology IV
Pancrelipase (Cotazyme) - Pharmacology IV
Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070034
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070035
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070036
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070037
Solutions to Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070038
Lesson Assignment - Pharmacology IV - MD08070039
Lesson 3. Emetics, Antiemetics, and Antidiarrheals. - Pharmacology IV
Section III. Antiemetics - Pharmacology IV
Section IV. Antidiarrheals - Pharmacology IV
Diphenoxylate with Atropine (Lomotil) - Pharmacology IV
Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070044
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070045
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070046
Solutions to Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070047
Lesson Assignment - Pharmacology IV - MD08070048
Suggestion - Pharmacology IV - MD08070049
Lesson 4. Cathartics. - Pharmacology IV
Factors Which Help to Maintain Normal Bowel Habits - Pharmacology IV
Section II. Cathartic Agents - Pharmacology IV
Categories and Specific Examples of Cathartics - Pharmacology IV
Lubricant Cathartics. - Pharmacology IV
Emollient Cathartics. - Pharmacology IV
Lactulose (Chronulac). - Pharmacology IV
Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070057
Exercises (Cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070058
Exercises (Cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070059
Exercises (Cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070060
Solutions to Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070061
Lesson Assignment - Pharmacology IV - MD08070062
Suggestion - Pharmacology IV - MD08070063
Instructions - Pharmacology IV
Section I. Introduction toFluid and Electrolyte Physiology - Pharmacology IV
Fluid and electrolyte therapy - Pharmacology IV
Intracellular fluid - Pharmacology IV
Extracellular fluid - Pharmacology IV
The amount of intracellular and extracellular fluid - Pharmacology IV
Major electrolytes - Pharmacology IV
Distribution of body fluids and electrolytes - Pharmacology IV
The phosphate radical - Pharmacology IV
Body fluids and electrolytes - Pharmacology IV
Perspiration - Pharmacology IV
Urination - Pharmacology IV
Fluid Losses - Pharmacology IV
Diarrhea - Pharmacology IV
Abnormal means of losing fluids and electrolytes - Pharmacology IV
Body fluid distribution, electrolyte distribution, and fluid and electrolyte loss - Pharmacology IV
Intravenous therapy - Pharmacology IV
Considerations involved in the intravenous administration of drugs - Pharmacology IV
Tonicity of the intravenous solution - Pharmacology IV
Hypertonic solution - Pharmacology IV
pH of the solution to be administered to the patient - Pharmacology IV
The pros and cons of intravenous therapy - Pharmacology IV
Maintenance therapy - Pharmacology IV
Replacement therapy - Pharmacology IV
Questions - Pharmacology IV
Section II. Precautions and Complications Associated with Intravenous Therapy - Pharmacology IV
Requirements for Intravenous Solutions/Intravenous Admixtures - Pharmacology IV
Incompatibilities. - Pharmacology IV
Infiltration - Pharmacology IV
Section III. Categories of Intravenous Fluids and their Uses - Pharmacology IV
Electrolyte replacement solutions - Pharmacology IV
Nutrient Solutions (hyperalimentation products) - Pharmacology IV
Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070096
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070097
Solutions to Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070098
Lesson Assignment - Pharmacology IV - MD08070099
Suggestion - Pharmacology IV - MD08070100
Lesson 6. Review of the Endocrine System. - Pharmacology IV
General Comments - Pharmacology IV
Figure 6-1. The endocrine glands of the human body and their locations. - Pharmacology IV
Section II. Endocrine Glands - Pharmacology IV
The anterior pituitary gland - Pharmacology IV
The thyroid gland - Pharmacology IV
The parathyroid glands - Pharmacology IV
The adrenal glands - Pharmacology IV
The pancreas - Pharmacology IV
The Gonads - Pharmacology IV
Male - Pharmacology IV
The female's menstrual cycle - Pharmacology IV
Changes due to fertilization of the ovum - Pharmacology IV
Ectopic pregnancy - Pharmacology IV
Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070115
Exercises (Cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070116
Exercises (Cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070117
Exercises (Cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070118
Solutions to Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070119
Lesson Assignment - Pharmacology IV - MD08070120
Suggestion - Pharmacology IV - MD08070121
Lesson 7. Thyroid, Antithyroid, and Parathyroid Preparations. - Pharmacology IV
Section II. Thyroid preparations - Pharmacology IV
Thyroid, USP - Pharmacology IV
Section III. Anti-thyroid preparation - Pharmacology IV
Section IV. Parathyroid Preparations - Pharmacology IV
Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070127
Exercises (Cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070128
Exercises (Cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070129
Exercises (Cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070130
Solutions to Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070131
Lesson Assignment - Pharmacology IV - MD08070132
Suggestion - Pharmacology IV - MD08070133
Lesson 8. Reproductive Hormones and Oral Contraceptives. - Pharmacology IV
Section II. Uses of reproductive hormones - Pharmacology IV
Side effects associated with estrogen therapy - Pharmacology IV
Uses of Progestins - Pharmacology IV
Precautions Associated with the Use of Progestins - Pharmacology IV
Section III. Specific reproductive hormones - Pharmacology IV
Specific progestin agents - Pharmacology IV
Section IV. Contraception - Pharmacology IV
Coitus Interruptus/Withdrawal - Pharmacology IV
Diaphragm - Pharmacology IV
Types of oral contraceptives. - Pharmacology IV
General Directions for taking Oral Contraceptives - Pharmacology IV
Section V. Ovulation Inducing Agent - Pharmacology IV
Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070147
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070148
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070149
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070150
Solutions to Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070151
Lesson Assignment - Pharmacology IV - MD08070152
Suggestion - Pharmacology IV - MD08070153
Lesson 9. Adrenocortical Hormones. - Pharmacology IV
The mineralocorticoids - Pharmacology IV
Abnormalities of Adrenal Functioning - Pharmacology IV
Section II. Glucocorticoids and synthetic agents - Pharmacology IV
Therapeutic Uses of Glucocorticoids in Nonendocrine Diseases - Pharmacology IV
Adverse effects associated with glucocorticoid therapy - Pharmacology IV
Hypokalemic Alkalosis and Edema - Pharmacology IV
Cautions and warnings associated with glucocorticoid therapy - Pharmacology IV
Glucocorticoid Preparations - Pharmacology IV
Table 9-1. Comparison of systemic adrenocortical steroids. - Pharmacology IV
Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070164
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070165
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070166
Solutions to Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070167
Lesson Assignment - Pharmacology IV - MD08070168
Suggestion - Pharmacology IV - MD08070169
Lesson 10. Insulin and Oral Hypoglycemic Agents. - Pharmacology IV
Production of Insulin in the Body - Pharmacology IV
Signs of Diabetes Mellitus - Pharmacology IV
Types of diabetes mellitus - Pharmacology IV
Section III. Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus by Insulin Theraphy - Pharmacology IV
Storage of Insulin Preparations - Pharmacology IV
Irregularities of Insulin Theraphy - Pharmacology IV
Oral hypoglycemic agents - Pharmacology IV
Dosing Information - Pharmacology IV
Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070179
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070180
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070181
Exercises (cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070182
Solutions to Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070183
Lesson Assignment - Pharmacology IV - MD08070184
Suggestion - Pharmacology IV - MD08070185
Lesson 11. Oxytocics and Ergot Alkaloids. - Pharmacology IV
Figure 11-1. The stages of labor. - Pharmacology IV
Uses of Oxytocin - Pharmacology IV
Section II. Ergot alkaloids - Pharmacology IV
Specific ergot agents - Pharmacology IV
Contraindications for Oxytocics and Ergot Alkaloid Products - Pharmacology IV
Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070192
Exercises (Cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070193
Exercises (Cont) - Pharmacology IV - MD08070194
Solutions to Exercises - Pharmacology IV - MD08070195
Pharmacology IV