Lesson 1. Triage and Evacuation Flow - Evacuation in the FieldDelayed. - Evacuation in the FieldTriage for Treatment (Chemical Environment) - Evacuation in the FieldTriage for Evacuation - Evacuation in the FieldUrgent Surgical. - Evacuation in the FieldSection II. Evacuation Flow - Evacuation in the FieldBattalion Aid Station. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 1-1. Medical facilities in a theater of operations. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 1-2. Normal evacuation chain. - Evacuation in the FieldMedical Platoon (Echelon I) - Evacuation in the FieldBrigade and Division Evacuation (Echelon II) - Evacuation in the FieldEchelon III Hospitalization - Evacuation in the FieldLevels of Medical Care - Evacuation in the FieldExercises, Lesson 1 - Evacuation in the FieldExercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010020Exercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010021Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 1 - Evacuation in the FieldLesson Assignment - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010023Lesson 2: Manual Carries - Evacuation in the FieldSection II. One-Man Carries - Evacuation in the FieldPositioning the Casualty - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 2-1. Turning a casualty to a prone position. - Evacuation in the FieldRaising the Casualty to a Standing Position - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 2-3. Raising a casualty to his feet (regular method). - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 2-4. Raising a casualty to his feet (alternate method). - Evacuation in the FieldFireman's Carry - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 2-5. Fireman's carry. - Evacuation in the FieldArms Carry - Evacuation in the FieldSupport Carry - Evacuation in the FieldSaddleback Carry - Evacuation in the FieldPack-Strap Carry - Evacuation in the FieldPistol-Belt Carry - Evacuation in the FieldPistol-Belt Carry-cont. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 2-10. Pistol-belt carry. - Evacuation in the FieldLoad Bearing Equipment Carry - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 2-11. Load bearing equipment carry with standing casualty. - Evacuation in the FieldLoad Bearing Equipment Carry: Method 2 (Using Your Load Bearing Equipment)-cont. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 2-12. Load bearing equipment carry using bearer's LBE. - Evacuation in the FieldLoad Bearing Equipment Carry: Method 3 (Using Casualty's Load Bearing Equipment). - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 2-13. Load bearing equipment carry using casualty's LBE. - Evacuation in the FieldPistol-Belt Drag - Evacuation in the FieldNeck Drag - Evacuation in the FieldCradle Drop Drag - Evacuation in the FieldSection III. Two-Man Carries - Evacuation in the FieldWorking in Unison - Evacuation in the FieldTwo-Man Support Carry - Evacuation in the FieldTwo-Man Arms Carry - Evacuation in the FieldTwo-Man Arms Carry-cont. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 2-19. Two-man arms carry. - Evacuation in the FieldTwo-Hand Seat Carry - Evacuation in the FieldFour-Hand Seat Carry - Evacuation in the FieldExercises, Lesson 2 - Evacuation in the FieldExercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010058Exercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010059Exercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010060Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 2 - Evacuation in the FieldSolutions to Exercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Evacuation in the FieldLesson Assignment - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010063Lesson 3: Litters and Litter Carries - Evacuation in the FieldComponents. - Evacuation in the FieldChemical Litters - Evacuation in the FieldPoleless, Semirigid Litter - Evacuation in the FieldPoleless, Nonrigid Litter - Evacuation in the FieldStokes Metal Litter - Evacuation in the FieldSked Litter - Evacuation in the FieldImprovised Pole and Jacket Litter - Evacuation in the FieldImprovised Pole and Sack Litter - Evacuation in the FieldImprovised Blanket Litter - Evacuation in the FieldSection II. Dressing a Litter - Evacuation in the FieldTwo-Blanket Dressing - Evacuation in the FieldThree-Blanket Dressing - Evacuation in the FieldSection III. Placing a Casualty on a Litter - Evacuation in the FieldPlacing a Casualty on a Litter using the Four-Man Modified Arms Carry - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 3-17. Four bearers supporting a casualty. - Evacuation in the FieldPlacing a Casualty on a Litter Using the Three-Man Modiffied Arms Carry - Evacuation in the FieldPlacing a Casualty on a Litter Using the Modified Two-Man Arms Carry - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 3-20. Lifting a casualty using the modified two-man arms carry. - Evacuation in the FieldPlacing a Casualty on a Litter Using the Modified Forward-and-After Carry - Evacuation in the FieldPlacing a Casualty on a Spine Boad Using Log Roll Technique - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 3-23. Placing a casualty on a long spine board. - Evacuation in the FieldSection IV. Litter Carries - Evacuation in the FieldOpening a Standard Collapsible Litter - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 3-26. Locking the spreader bar into position. - Evacuation in the FieldRules for Transporting a Casualty by Litter - Evacuation in the FieldFour-Man Carry - Evacuation in the FieldTwo-Man Carry - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 3-29. Two-man carry. - Evacuation in the FieldLitter Post Carry - Evacuation in the FieldLitter Rotation - Evacuation in the FieldUphill/Upstairs Carry - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 3-33. Uphill and upstairs carries. - Evacuation in the FieldDownhill/Downstairs Carry - Evacuation in the FieldOverhead Carry - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 3-36. Overhead carry. - Evacuation in the FieldLowering the Litter - Evacuation in the FieldExercises, Lesson 3 - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010101Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010102Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010103Exercises, Lesson 3 - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010104Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 3 - Evacuation in the FieldLesson Assignment - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010106Lesson 4: Ground Evacuation Vehicles - Evacuation in the FieldM996 Armored Ambulance - Evacuation in the FieldM997 Armored Ambulance - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 4-3. Truck, ambulance, 4x4, armored, M997. - Evacuation in the FieldM1010 Truck Ambulance - Evacuation in the FieldM113 Armored Personnel Carrier - Evacuation in the FieldStryker Medical Evacuation Vehicle - Evacuation in the FieldSection II. Nonmedical Military Vehicles - Evacuation in the FieldM998 Cargo Truck (Four-Man Configuration) - Evacuation in the FieldM998 Cargo Truck (Two-Man Configuration) - Evacuation in the FieldTwo and One-Half-Ton and Five-Ton Cargo Trucks - Evacuation in the FieldLoad Litters. - Evacuation in the FieldSecond group of three litters. - Evacuation in the FieldSecure Tailgate. - Evacuation in the FieldJohn Deere Gator - Evacuation in the FieldExercises, Lesson 4 - Evacuation in the FieldExercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Evacuation in the FieldSolutions for Exercises, Lesson 4 - Evacuation in the FieldLesson Assignment - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010125Lesson 5: Aeromedical Evacuation - Evacuation in the FieldGeneral Rules for Loading and Unloading Air Ambulances - Evacuation in the FieldUH-60A Blackhawk Air Ambulance - Evacuation in the FieldLoading Litter Casualties into the Blackhawk Air Ambulance - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-3. Member of a Blackhawk flight crew helping to load a litter casualty. - Evacuation in the FieldSix-Litter Configuration. - Evacuation in the FieldUH-1H/V IROQUOIS Air Ambulance - Evacuation in the FieldLoading Litter Casualties into the IROQUOIS Air Ambulance - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-6. Loading the first litter (right side) into an Iroquois air ambulance. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-8. Iroquois air ambulance with six litter casualties loaded. - Evacuation in the FieldMixed Load Configuration. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-10. Iroquois air ambulance with a mixed load. - Evacuation in the FieldCH-47 Chinook air Ambulance - Evacuation in the FieldSection II. High-Performance Hoist Operations - Evacuation in the FieldRescue Devices - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-14. Pulling the casualty inside the helicopter - Evacuation in the FieldStokes Litter - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-16. Tag line keeping Stokes litter steady. - Evacuation in the FieldSemirigid Litter - Evacuation in the FieldSection III. Aeromedical Evacuation Request - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-19. Field radio set AN/PRC-119 with instructions. - Evacuation in the FieldGeneral Rules - Evacuation in the FieldProwords and Phonetics - Evacuation in the FieldTable 5-1 Commonly used prowords-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010149Table 5-1 Commonly used prowords-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010150Table 5-2. Phonetic alphabet. - Evacuation in the FieldEvacuation Request Information - Evacuation in the FieldSpecial Equipment Required (Line 4). - Evacuation in the FieldMethod of Marking Pickup Site (Line 7). - Evacuation in the FieldMaking an Evacuation Request - Evacuation in the FieldTable 5-4. MEDEVAC request guide-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010156Table 5-4. MEDEVAC request guide-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010157Example of a Medical Evacuation Request - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-20. Example of a MEDEVAC request. - Evacuation in the FieldField Telephone - Evacuation in the FieldSection IV. Preparing a Landing Site - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-22. Landing site distance from obstacles. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-23. Helicopter landing up-slope. - Evacuation in the FieldMarking the Landing Site in Daylight - Evacuation in the FieldMarking the Landing Site at Night - Evacuation in the FieldMarking Obstacles - Evacuation in the FieldArm-and-Hand Signals - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-26. Arm-and-hand signal for guidance. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-28. Arm-and-hand signal for moving to the right. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-30. Arm-and-hand signal for moving upward. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 5-32. Arm-and-hand signal for moving ahead. - Evacuation in the FieldExercises, Lesson 5 - Evacuation in the FieldExercises, Lesson 5-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010173Exercises, Lesson 5-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010174Exercises, Lesson 5-cont. - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010175Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 5 - Evacuation in the FieldLesson Assignment - Evacuation in the Field - MD00010177Lesson 6: Removing Casualties From Tactical Vehicles - Evacuation in the FieldRemoving Casualties From an M1 Tank - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 6-1. Lowering a casualty to the ground. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 6-2. Lifting a casualty through a hatch on the turret. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 6-3. Removing the driver through the driver's hatch an M1. - Evacuation in the FieldRemoving Casualties from an M2 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Evacuation in the FieldRemove the driver. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 6-5. Removing the driver through the driver's hatch of a BIFV. - Evacuation in the FieldFigure 6-7. Prying open the gunner's hatch on a BIFV. - Evacuation in the FieldRemoving Casualties From an M3 Cavalry Fighting Vehicle - Evacuation in the FieldExercises, Lesson 6 - Evacuation in the FieldExercises, Lesson 6-cont. - Evacuation in the FieldSolutions to Exercises, Lesson 6 - Evacuation in the FieldEvacuation in the Field