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> Shell Eggs
Lesson 1. Shell Egg Introduction and Inspection Equipment. - Shell Eggs
Figure 1-1. Reproductive tract. - Shell Eggs
Figure 1-2. The parts of an egg. - Shell Eggs
Oviduct - Shell Eggs
Formation of the Yolk - Shell Eggs
Formation of the White - Shell Eggs
Formation of the Shell Membranes - Shell Eggs
Composition of the Egg - Shell Eggs
Section II. Preparing a Candling Room and Assembling Egg Inspection Equipment. - Shell Eggs
Figure 1-4. Egg candler. - Shell Eggs
Figure 1-5. Beam indicating scale. - Shell Eggs
Figure 1-6. Egg candling booth. - Shell Eggs
Egg Candler - Shell Eggs
Adjusting the Height and Focusing the Beam of Light - Shell Eggs
Individual egg scale - Shell Eggs
How to Weigh Small, Medium, or Large Eggs. - Shell Eggs
How to Weigh Extra-Large Eggs - Shell Eggs
How to Weigh Jumbo Eggs. - Shell Eggs
Figure 1-7. Arrangement of egg candling equipment. - Shell Eggs
Figure 1-8. Egg tallying tray and breakout plate. - Shell Eggs
Exercises - Shell Eggs - MD07130028
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130029
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130030
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130031
Solutions to Exercises - Shell Eggs - MD07130032
Lesson Assignment - Shell Eggs - MD07130033
Lesson 2. Destination Inspection of Shell Eggs. - Shell Eggs
Basis of Grades - Shell Eggs
Section II. Sampling Data - Shell Eggs
Figure 2-1. Case of wholesale grade shell eggs. - Shell Eggs
Figure 2-2. Egg tray, wholesale grade shell eggs. - Shell Eggs
Figure 2-3. The multiplication factors or 30 dozen equivalent shipping cases. - Shell Eggs
Figure 2-5. Sample size Table, USDA regulation. - Shell Eggs
Section III. Identity Inspection - Shell Eggs
USDA Poultry Products Grading Certificate - Shell Eggs
Identity Requirements - Shell Eggs
Section IV. Condition Inspection - Shell Eggs
Inspect Shipping Cases - Shell Eggs
Weight Classes for Shell Eggs - Shell Eggs
Figure 2-9. United States weight classes for consumer grades for shell eggs. - Shell Eggs
Determine Actual Net Weight of a Case of Shell Eggs. - Shell Eggs
Figure 2-11. Determining net weight of a case of eggs. - Shell Eggs
Figure 2-12. Six layers of eggs. - Shell Eggs
Figure 2-13. Weighing a half-case of eggs. - Shell Eggs
Figure 2-15. Recording net weight of egg sample. - Shell Eggs
Exercises - Shell Eggs - MD07130053
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130054
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130055
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130056
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130057
Solutions to Exercises - Shell Eggs - MD07130058
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130059
Lesson Assignment - Shell Eggs - MD07130060
Lesson 3. Classifying and Grading Shell Eggs. - Shell Eggs
General Quality Factors - Shell Eggs
Shell Shape and Texture - Shell Eggs
Figure 3-1. Egg shapes. - Shell Eggs
Shell cleanliness - Shell Eggs
Classification of shell cleanliness - Shell Eggs
Figure 3-2. Stained conditions of eggs. - Shell Eggs
Shell Color - Shell Eggs
Classification of interior quality - Shell Eggs
Figure 3-3. Hand candling technique. - Shell Eggs
The Factor of Judgment - Shell Eggs
Air Cell - Shell Eggs
Air Cell Gauge - Shell Eggs
Figure 3-4. Measuring the depth of the air cell. - Shell Eggs
Distinctness of Yolk Shadow Outline - Shell Eggs
Figure 3-5. Candled appearance of the yolk. - Shell Eggs
The White - Shell Eggs
Terms descriptive of the white - Shell Eggs
Figure 3-6. Broken-out appearance of eggs. - Shell Eggs
Yolk and white - Shell Eggs
Loss Eggs - Shell Eggs
Yellow rot - Shell Eggs
Moldy eggs - Shell Eggs
Section II. Standards for Quality - Shell Eggs
Candled Appearance - Shell Eggs
Figure 3-8. Summary of US standards for quality of individual shell eggs. - Shell Eggs
United States Consumer Grades for Shell Eggs - Shell Eggs
Figure 3-9. Summary of US consumer grades for shell eggs. - Shell Eggs
Figure 3-10. Tolerance for individual case or carton within a lot. - Shell Eggs
Figure 3-11. United States weight classes for consumer grades for shell eggs. - Shell Eggs
Exercises - Shell Eggs - MD07130091
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130092
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130093
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130094
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130095
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130096
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130097
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130098
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130099
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130100
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130101
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130102
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130103
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130104
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130105
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130106
Solutions to Exercises - Shell Eggs - MD07130107
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130108
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130109
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130110
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130111
Lesson Assignment - Shell Eggs - MD07130112
Lesson 4. Completion of Shell Egg Inspection and the Recording of Results on the DD Form 1237. - Shell Eggs
Figure 4-2. Predetermined sampling pattern for 30-egg-tray, six-trays-per-compartment, wholesale grade shell eggs. - Shell Eggs
Examining the Eggs - Shell Eggs
Candle Eggs - Shell Eggs
Figure 4-3. Tallying candled eggs. - Shell Eggs
Reporting Rejections - Shell Eggs
Contractor Options - Shell Eggs
Inspection worksheet for individual sample cases of shell eggs - Shell Eggs
Steps in the Verification of Results of Shell Egg Inspection - Shell Eggs
Compute the average percentage for each column - Shell Eggs
Preparation of the Front Side of the DD Form 1237 - Shell Eggs
Shell Egg Inspection - Shell Eggs
Block by Block Instruction. - Shell Eggs
Block by Block Instruction. (Cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130126
Block by Block Instruction. (Cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130127
Exercises - Shell Eggs - MD07130128
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130129
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130130
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130131
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130132
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130133
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130134
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130135
Solutions to Exercises - Shell Eggs - MD07130136
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130137
Lesson Assignment - Shell Eggs - MD07130138
Lesson 5. Surveillance Inspection of Shell Eggs. - Shell Eggs
Treating Eggs - Shell Eggs
Selecting Samples - Shell Eggs
Condition inspection - Shell Eggs
Reporting Deficiencies - Shell Eggs
Exercises - Shell Eggs - MD07130144
Exercises (cont) - Shell Eggs - MD07130145
Solutions to Exercises - Shell Eggs - MD07130146
Shell Eggs