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> Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Lesson 1. Dosage Calculations - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Table 1-1. Common Latin terms and abbreviations (continued). - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Table 1-1. Common Latin names and abbreviations (concluded). - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Table 1-2. Times of administration. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Table 1-6. Examples of Roman numerals. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section II. Ratio and Proportion - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Ratios - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Parts of a Proportion. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Example 1. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130015
Section III. The Metric System - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Commonly used relationships - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section IV. The Apothecary system - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Apothecary volume - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Conversion Between Systems - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Table 1-10. Approximate household equivalents. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section VI. Percentage Solutions - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Table 1-11. Percentage solutions (w/v) in the metric system. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section VII. Injection Dose Calculations - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Antibiotic Dilutions - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Table 1-12. Sterile diluents for reconstitution. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Antibiotic Dilutions (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Table 1-13. Reconstitution of commonly used antibiotics (continued) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130028
Table 1-13. Reconstitution of commonly used antibiotics (continued) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130029
Table 1-13. Reconstitution of commonly used antibiotics (concluded) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section VIII. Pediatric dose calculations - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Pediatric dose calculation body weight - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Figure 1-1. Body surface area nomogram. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Example 1. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130034
Exercises - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130035
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130036
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130037
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130038
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130039
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130040
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130041
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130042
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130043
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130044
Solutions to Exercises - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130045
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130046
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130047
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130048
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130049
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130050
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130051
Lesson Assignment - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130052
Lesson 2. Basic Pharmacology; Antiseptics and Disinfectants; Other Topical Drugs; Gastrointestinal Agents - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Dosage Forms - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Fluid Preparations. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Factors Affecting Drug Action - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Factors Affecting Drug Action (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section II. Antiseptics and Disinfectants - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Alcohols - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Benzalkonium chloride - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Hydrogen peroxide - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Thimerosal - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Disinfectant - Germicidal and Fungicidal Concentrate (Wescodyne) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Compound benzoin tincture - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Sodium bicarbonate - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Milk of magnesia - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section V. Cathartics - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Stimulant (irritant) cathartics - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Fecal softeners - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Diphenoxylate hydrochloride and atropine sulfate tablets - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Expectorants - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section VIII. Local Anesthetics - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Overdosage toxicity - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Lidocaine hydrochloride - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Dibucaine ointment - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Eugenol - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Exercises - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130077
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130078
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130079
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130080
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130081
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130082
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130083
Solutions to Exercises - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130084
Solutions to Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130085
Lesson Assignment - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130086
Lesson 3. Central Nervous System Drugs - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section II. Sedative-Hypnotics - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Uses of sedative-hypnotics - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Side Effects - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Long-Acting Sedatives. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Phenobarbital - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Sodium Secobarbital (Seconal Sodium) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section III. Antipsychotic Tranquilizers and Related Antidepressants - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Toxicity Caused by Large Doses - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Summary of Related Agents - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Related Antidepressants - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section IV. Narcotic Analgesics - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Tolerance, Addiction, and Habituation - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Morphine - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Cautions and Contraindications. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Figure 3-1. Morphine syrette. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Codeine - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Propoxyphene Hydrochloride - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Naloxenex Hydrochloride Injection - Narcotic Antagonist - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section V. Nonadditive Analgesics and Antipyretics - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Adverse Effects. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130107
Acetaminophen - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section VI. CNS stimulants - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Amphetamines - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Treatment of Overdosage. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Specific Amphetamines and Related Preparations - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Exercises - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130113
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130114
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130115
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130116
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130117
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130118
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130119
Solutions to Exercises - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130120
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Lesson Assignment - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130122
Lesson 4. Autonomic and Cardiovascular Drugs - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Table 4-1. Functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section II. Anticholinergic (Parasympatholytic) Drugs - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Propantheline - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section III. Adrenergic (Sympathomimetic) Drugs - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Therapeutic Uses - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Differences Between Epinephrine and Ephedrine - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Metaraminol bitartrate injection - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section IV. Vasodilator Drugs - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Amylnitrate - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Normal human serum albumin - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Plasma protein fraction - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Sodium chloride injection - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Ringer's injection - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Potassium chloride injection - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section VI. Antihistamines - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Intrduction to Antihistamines - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Dimenhydrinate - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Chlorpheniramine maleate - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Mannitol injection - an osmotic diuretic - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Usual Dosage. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130143
Supply. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Exercises - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130145
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130146
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130147
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130148
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130149
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130150
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130151
Solutions to Exercises - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130152
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130153
Lesson Assignment - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130154
Lesson 5. Drugs Used to Prevent and Treat Infection I. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Viruses - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section II. Biologicals (Immunizing Agents) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Allergic (Hypersensitive) Reactions - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Precautions - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Serums - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Bacterial Vaccines - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Smallpox Vaccine - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Influenza Virus Vaccine. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Penicillins and Cephalosporins; Erythromycin - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Potassium penicillin G for injection - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Indications - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130166
Usual Dosage - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130167
Procaine penicillin G - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Usual Dosage - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130169
Benzathine penicillin G - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Potassium phenoxymethyl penicillin (Penicillin V) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Ampicillin - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Penicillins resistant to penicillinase - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Indications - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130174
Adverse Reactions. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Erythromycin - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Adverse Effects. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130177
Section IV. Tetracyclines - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Usual Dosage - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130179
Cautions and Warnings - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Supply - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Exercises - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130182
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130183
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130184
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130185
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130186
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130187
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130188
Exercises (cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130189
Solutions to Exercises - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130190
Solutions to Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130191
Lesson Assignment - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130192
Lesson 6. Drugs Used to Prevent and Treat Infection II - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Kanamycin sulfate injection - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Administration - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Gentamicin sulfate - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section II. Sulfonamides - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Effectiveness - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Sodium sulfacetamide - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Usual Dosage. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130200
Section II. Antifungal Agents - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Tolnaftate solution - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Nystatin - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Iodochlorhydroxyquin and hydrocortisone - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Selenium sulfide lotion - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Undecylenic acid - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section IV. Antimalarial Drugs - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Figure 6-1. Life cycle of Plasmodium, the malaria parasite. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Chloroquine and primaquine phospate tablets - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Chloroquine - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Usage Dosage. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Primaquine - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Dapsone - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Quinine - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Pyrimethamine - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Sulfadoxine and pyrimethamine - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section V. Anthelmintic Drugs - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Infections with Tapeworms. - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Mebendazole - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Pyrantel pamoate - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Niclosamide - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Quinacrine - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Tetrachloroethylene - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Praziquantel - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Section VI. Other Agents - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Gamma benzene hexachloride (Lindane) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy
Exercises - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130227
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130228
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130229
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130230
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130231
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130232
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130233
Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130234
Solutions to Exercises - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130235
Solutions to Exercises (Cont) - Drug Dosage and Theraphy - md09130236
Comment Sheet - Drug Dosage and Theraphy