Lesson 1: History, Hazards, and Protection. - Dental RadiographySources of Radiation - Dental RadiographyThe Tube Head. - Dental RadiographySteps in the Process of X-Ray Production - Dental RadiographyFigure 1-4. Electrons speeding toward the anode (tungsten target). - Dental RadiographySection III. Radiation Hazards and Protection - Dental RadiographyRadiation Protection - Dental RadiographyProtective Measures and Standards - Dental RadiographyX-Ray Beam Quantity and Quality - Dental RadiographyExercises, Lesson 1 - Dental RadiographyExercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Dental Radiography - MD05120017Exercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Dental Radiography - MD05120018Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 1 - Dental RadiographyLesson Assignment - Dental Radiography - MD05120020Lesson 2: Radiation Biology. - Dental RadiographyOrbiting Electrons - Dental RadiographyAtoms and Molecules - Dental RadiographyX-Ray Photon - Dental RadiographyFigure 2-6. X-ray photon strikes the nucleus of an atom. - Dental RadiographyHarmful Effects of Overexposure to Radiation - Dental RadiographyGenetic Effects. - Dental RadiographyExercises, Lesson 2 - Dental RadiographyExercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Dental RadiographySolutions to Exercises, Lesson 2 - Dental RadiographyLesson Assignment - Dental Radiography - MD05120031Lesson 3: Production of Dental Radiographs. - Dental RadiographyFilm Construction. - Dental RadiographyTypes of Film. - Dental RadiographyBasic Procedures - Dental RadiographySection II. Radiographic Processing Facilities and Materials - Dental RadiographyFigure 3-2. Film holders for processing intraoral and extraoral films. - Dental RadiographyAutomatic Processor - Dental RadiographyFigure 3-4. Tank for processing dental film. - Dental RadiographyFigure 3-5. Time-temperature ratio for processing film. - Dental RadiographyFigure 3-6. Developing x-ray film. - Dental RadiographyFigure 3-8. Fixing x-ray film. - Dental RadiographySection III. Faulty Radiographs - Dental RadiographyUnderexposed Image - Dental RadiographyBlurred Image - Dental RadiographyFogged Film - Dental RadiographyLead-Foil Image - Dental RadiographySection IV. Mounting and Filing/Disposing of Radiographs - Dental RadiographySection V. Anatomic Radiograph Landmarks - Dental RadiographyIncisive Foramen. - Dental RadiographyRadiopaque Landmarks on Maxillary Radiographs - Dental RadiographyCoronoid Process of the Mandible. - Dental RadiographyRadiolucent Landmarks on Mandibular Radiographs - Dental RadiographyRadiopaque Landmarks on Mandibular Radiographs - Dental RadiographyGenial Tubercles. - Dental RadiographyExercises, Lesson 3 - Dental RadiographyExercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Dental Radiography - MD05120057Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Dental Radiography - MD05120058Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Dental Radiography - MD05120059Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Dental Radiography - MD05120060Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 3 - Dental RadiographySolutions to Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Dental Radiography - MD05120062Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 3-cont. - Dental Radiography - MD05120063Lesson Assignment - Dental Radiography - MD05120064Lesson 4: Radiographic Exposure Techniques. - Dental RadiographySection II. Bisecting (Short-Cone) Periapical Exposure Techniques - Dental RadiographyPositioning the Patient - Dental RadiographyCentral Ray Angulation - Dental RadiographyFigure 4-4. Correct projection of central ray. - Dental RadiographyFigure 4-8. Overlapping images caused by incorrect horizontal projection of the central - Dental RadiographyOverview of the Bisecting Angle Exposure Techniques - Dental RadiographyMaxillary Molars - Dental Radiography - MD05120072Maxillary Cuspids - Dental Radiography - MD05120073Maxillary Incisors - Dental Radiography - MD05120074Mandibular Bicuspids - Dental Radiography - MD05120075Mandibular Cuspids - Dental Radiography - MD05120076Section III. Paralleling (Long-Cone) Periapical Exposure Techniques - Dental RadiographyFigure 4-19. Anterior instrument assemblage. - Dental RadiographyMaxillary Molars - Dental Radiography - MD05120079Maxillary Bicuspids - Dental RadiographyFigure 4-22. Maxillary bicuspid area. - Dental RadiographyMaxillary Cuspids - Dental Radiography - MD05120082Maxillary Incisors - Dental Radiography - MD05120083Mandibular Molars - Dental RadiographyMandibular Bicuspids - Dental Radiography - MD05120085Mandibular Cuspids - Dental Radiography - MD05120086Mandibular Incisors - Dental RadiographySection IV. Bite-Wing (Interproximal) Exposure Techniques - Dental RadiographySection V. Occlusal Exposure Techniques - Dental RadiographyMaxillary Full Occlusal - Dental RadiographyMaxillary Anterior Occlusal - Dental RadiographyMaxillary Posterior Occlusal - Dental RadiographyMandibular Full Occlusal - Dental RadiographyMandibular Anterior Occlusal - Dental RadiographyMandibular Posterior Occlusal - Dental RadiographySection VI. The Panoramic Radiograph - Dental RadiographyExercises, Lesson 4 - Dental RadiographyExercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Dental Radiography - MD05120098Exercises, Lesson 4-cont. - Dental Radiography - MD05120099Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 4 - Dental RadiographyDental Radiography