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Medical Reference and Training Manuals
> Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Lesson 1. Initiating and Filing Medical Records. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Table 1-1. Family member prefix. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Table 1-2. Use of SSN. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Use of DA Form 3444-series Folders - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-1. DA Form 3444 showing correlation of form number and primary group number. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-2. DA Form 3444-Series samples. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-3. "Patient Identification" block on DA Form 3444. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-5. Coding last digit of SSN on DA Form 3444. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-7. Retirement "R" block on DA Form 3444. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
The colors of tape to be used - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-8. Status "S" block on DA Form 3444. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-9. "Type of Record" block on DA Form 3444. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-11. DD Form 2005 (Privacy Act Statement - Health Care Records) on DA Form 3444. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-12. Special category identification and blood type on DA Form 3444. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Items completed on the DA Form 3444-Series. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-14. Completed DA Form 3444, HREC folder. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-15. Completed DA Form 3444, OTR folder. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-16. Filing sequence. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-17. Diagonal pattern of filing of DA Form 3444-Series. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Steps used when filing or retrieving terminal digit records. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-18. Sample "change-of-charge." - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-19. Sample patient recording card. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Improper Practices - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 1-20. DD Form 877 (Request for Medical/Dental Records or Information). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Exercises - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510034
Exercises (Cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510035
Exercises (Cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510036
Exercises (Cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510037
Exercises (Cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510038
Solutions to Exercises - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510039
Solutions to Exercises (Cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510040
Solutions to Exercises (Cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510041
Lesson Assignment - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510042
Lesson 2. Army Health Records (HRECs). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Responsibilities - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Access - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Section II. Initiating, Keeping, and Disposing of Health Records - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Table 2-1. Forms and documents of the Health Record (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510047
Table 2-1. Forms and documents of the Health Record (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510048
Table 2-1. Forms and documents of the Health Record (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Table 2-2. Forms and documents of the Dental Record. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Initiating Health Records - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Health Record File Folder - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-1. DA Form 3444 used as a Health Record (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-1. DA Form 3444 used a Health Record (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-1. DA Form 3444 used as a Health Record (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-2. SF 600 (Health Record - Chronological Record of Medical Care). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-3. SF 558 (Medical Record - Emergency Care and Treatment) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-3. SF 558 (Medical Record - Emergency Care and Treatment) (Concluded) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Entries for Outpatient Care - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Entries for Periods of Medical Excuse From Duty. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Preparation for SF 601 and PHS Form 731 - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-4. SF 601 (Health Record - Immunization Record) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-4. SF 601 (Health Record - Immunization Record) (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Other Required Forms Prepared for the HREC - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-5. SF 88 (Report of Medical Examination) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-5. SF 88 (Report of Medical Examination) (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-6. SF 93 (Report of Medical History) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-6. (Report of Medical History) (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-7. SF 545 (Laboratory Report Display). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-8. DA Form 5571 (Master Problem List) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-8. DA Form 5571 (Master Problem List) (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-9. DA Form 3647 (Inpatient Treatment Record Cover Sheet) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-10. SF 502 (Narrative Summary). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-11. DA Form 199 (Physical Evaluation Board Proceedings) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510074
Figure 2-11. DA Form 199 (Physical Evaluation Board Proceedings) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510075
Figure 2-11. DA Form 199 (Physical Evaluation Board Proceedings) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510076
Figure 2-11. DA Form 199 (Physical Evaluation Board Proceedings) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510077
Figure 2-11. DA Form 199 (Physical Evaluation Board Proceedings) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510078
Figure 2-11. DA Form 199 (Physical Evaluation Board Proceedings (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-12. DA Form 3947 (Medical Board Proceedings) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-12. DA Form 3947 (Medical Board Proceedings) (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-13. DA Form 3349 (Physical Profile Board Proceedings (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-13. DA Form 3349 (Physical Profile Board Proceedings) (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-14. SF 519-B (Radiologic Consultation Request/Report). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-15. DD Form 771 (Eyewear Prescription). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
DA Form 4465 (ADAPCP Military Client Intake and Follow -Up Record). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-16. DD Form 1141 (Record of Occupational Exposure to Ionizing Radiation). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Table 2-3. Filing of DA Form 4186. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-17. DA Form 4186 (Medical Recommendation for Flying Duty). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
SF 559 (Allergen Extract Prescription - New and Refill) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-18. SF 602 (Health Record - Syphilis Record) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-18. SF 602 (Health Record Syphilis Record) (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-19. SF 603 (Health Record - Dental) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 2-19. SF 603 (Health Record - Dental) (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Filing Health Records - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Handling Stray Records and Forms - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Table 2-4. Disposition of stray records and forms. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Transferring Health Records - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Health Records Not Received - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Section III. Use of Health Records - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Use of HREC in Outpatient Medical Care - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Section IV. Maintenance Under Combat Conditions - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
DD Form 1380 (U.S. Field Medical Card) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Exercises - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510104
Exercises (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510105
Exercises (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510106
Solutions to Exercises - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510107
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510108
Lesson Assignment - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510109
Lesson 3. Outpatient Treatment Records ( OTRs). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Table 3-1. Forms and documents of the medical OTR (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510111
Table 3-1. Forms and documents of the medical OTR (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510112
Table 3-1. Forms and documents of the medical OTR (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Preparation and Use of SF 601 and PHS Form 731 (Immunization Records) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Use of OTRs - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 3-1. DD Form 2138 (Request for Transfer of Outpatient Records). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 3-2. DA Form 3705 (Receipt for Outpatient Treatment/Dental Records). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Table 3-2. Retirement year for OTRs. - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Exercises - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510119
Exercises (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510120
Exercises (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510121
Solutions to Exercises - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510122
Lesson Assignment - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510123
Lesson 4. U.S. Field Medical Card (FMC). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Section II. Use and Preparation of the U. S. Field Medical Card (FMC) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Diagnostic Abbreviations - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 4-1. DD Form 1380 (U.S. Field Medical Card). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Items of Entry - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Items of Entry (Cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Disposition of the FMC - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Figure 4-2. DA Form 2985 (Admission and Coding Information) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510131
Figure 4-2. DA Form 2985 (Admission and Coding Information) (continued). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510132
Figure 4-2. DA Form 2985 (Admission and Coding Information) (concluded). - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Exercises - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510134
Exercises (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510135
Exercises (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510136
Exercises (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510137
Exercises (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510138
Solutions to Exercises - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510139
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510140
Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510141
Terms and Abbreviations - Outpatient Medical Records Branch
Terms and Abbreviations (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510143
Terms and Abbreviations (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510144
Terms and Abbreviations (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510145
Terms and Abbreviations (cont) - Outpatient Medical Records Branch - md07510146