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Medical Reference and Training Manuals
> Portable Ventilator
Lesson 1: Operation and General Maintenance Procedures - Portable Ventilator
Figure 1-1. Babybird 5900 pediatric ventilator. - Portable Ventilator
Major Components - Portable Ventilator
Delivery Circuit. - Portable Ventilator
Figure 1-4. Flow-bypass valve. - Portable Ventilator
Figure 1-5. Mark 2 servo. - Portable Ventilator
Inspiratory time-limit control. - Portable Ventilator
Compound-lockout cartridge. - Portable Ventilator
Breathing Circuit. - Portable Ventilator
Inspiratory tube. - Portable Ventilator
Overpressure governor. - Portable Ventilator
Section II. Theory of Operations - Portable Ventilator
Spontaneous Breathing Mode - Portable Ventilator
Figure 1-12. Inhalation phase of the spontaneous mode. - Portable Ventilator
Figure 1-13. Expiratory path in any mode of operation. - Portable Ventilator
Controlled Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation Mode - Portable Ventilator
Figure 1-14. Inhalation phase of the controlled IMV mode. - Portable Ventilator
Controlled Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation Mode-cont. - Portable Ventilator
Figure 1-15. Exhalation phase with negative pressure in the controlled IMV mode. - Portable Ventilator
Section III. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Portable Ventilator
Correct Minor Deficiencies After Reassembly. - Portable Ventilator
Exercises, Lesson 1 - Portable Ventilator
Exercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Portable Ventilator - MD03550029
Exercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Portable Ventilator - MD03550030
Exercises, Lesson 1-cont. - Portable Ventilator - MD03550031
Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 1 - Portable Ventilator
Lesson Assignment - Portable Ventilator - MD03550033
Lesson 2: Locating and Replacing Defective Components - Portable Ventilator
Calibrate the Ventilator - Portable Ventilator
Prepare the Ventilator for Calibration. - Portable Ventilator
Figure 2-1. Ventilator mounted for calibration with back and side panel removed. - Portable Ventilator
Calibrate the Ventilator. - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-1. Source pressure gauge troubleshooting. - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-2. Airway manometer troubleshooting. - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-3. Flow test device pressures. - Portable Ventilator
Nebulization system. - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-4. Flow system troubleshooting-cont. - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-4. Flow system troubleshooting-concluded - Portable Ventilator
Expiratory-flow gradient. - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-5. Nebulization system troubleshooting. - Portable Ventilator
Outflow valve continuous positive airway pressure control (CPAP). - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-6. Expiratory flow gradient troubleshooting-concluded - Portable Ventilator
Pressure relief valve. - Portable Ventilator - MD03550049
Mark-2 timing system. - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-9. Mark-2 timing system troubleshooting. - Portable Ventilator
Inspiratory lockout (compound-lockout cartridge). - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-10. Inspiratory relief pressure troubleshooting. - Portable Ventilator
Inspiratory time limit. - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-11. Inspiratory lockout troubleshooting. - Portable Ventilator
Figure 2-8. Control knob set at 3 seconds. - Portable Ventilator
Inspiratory time (Mark 2). - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-13. Inspiratory time (Mark 2) troubleshooting. - Portable Ventilator
Low pressure alarm system. - Portable Ventilator
Calibration Test. - Portable Ventilator
Flow system. - Portable Ventilator
Pressure relief valve. - Portable Ventilator - MD03550062
Section II. Troubleshooting and Removal and Replacement Procedures - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-16. Troubleshooting at start up in either mode-cont. - Portable Ventilator - MD03550064
Table 2-16. Troubleshooting at start up in either mode-cont. - Portable Ventilator - MD03550065
Table 2-17. Troubleshooting in either mode of operation-cont. - Portable Ventilator - MD03550066
Table 2-17. Troubleshooting in either mode of operation-cont. - Portable Ventilator - MD03550067
Table 2-17. Troubleshooting in either mode of operation-concluded - Portable Ventilator
Table 2-18. Troubleshooting in the spontaneous breathing mode. - Portable Ventilator
Remove and Replace Major Componets - Portable Ventilator
Remove and Replace the PAP Gauge (Part Number 9407R). - Portable Ventilator
Remove and Replace the Bypass Valve. - Portable Ventilator
Remove and Replace the Nebulizer Valve. - Portable Ventilator
Exercises, Lesson 2 - Portable Ventilator
Exercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Portable Ventilator - MD03550075
Exercises, Lesson 2-cont. - Portable Ventilator - MD03550076
Solutions to Exercises, Lesson 2 - Portable Ventilator
Portable Ventilator