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> Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Lesson 1. Matter and Energy. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Radiology - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Matter - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Energy - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Mass-Energy Relationships - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
The law of conservation - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 1-2. Atomic model as envisioned by the Bohr theory. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
The Nucleus. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Binding energy. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 1-4. Binding and potential energy. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Isotopes - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Formation of Molecules - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Convalent Bond. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Hydrogen Bond. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Natural radioactivity - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
X-radiation - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 1-12. Typical paths of electrons producing bremsstrahlung radiation. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 1-13. Energy spectrum produced by 100-keV electrons in tungsten. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Collisional Interactions - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 1-16. A Displacement of K electron. B Replacement of displaced electron from shells L and M - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
The Electromagnetic Spectrum - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 1-17. Electromagnetic spectrum. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 1-18. Two electromagnetic waves, differing in wave length and frequency - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Exercises - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500030
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500031
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500032
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500033
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500034
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500035
Solutions - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500036
Lesson Assignment - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500037
Lesson 2. Electricity, Magnets, and Circuits. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Section II. Electric Currents - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Sources of Electric Current - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Current. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Section III. Elementary Electric Circuits - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-2. Common diagrammatic symbols used in electrical drawings. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-3. A simple series circuit. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Work and Power in an Electronic Circuit - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Section IV. Magnetism - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Attraction and Repulsion of Magnetic Poles - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Theory of Magnetism - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Magnetic field - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-8. Magnetic permeability. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-10. Relationship between solenoid and electromagnet (description in text). - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-11. Various angles between the moving conductor and the lines of magnetic force - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Self-induction - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Section V. Electric Generators and Motors - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-12. A simple alternating current generator. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Direct Current Generator - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-13. Direct current--(A) pulsating DC (full-wave); (B) uniform DC. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Section VI. Electric Devices - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-15. Placement of voltmeter and ammeter in circuit. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Transformers - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Transformers Core Types - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-17. Transformers. (A) closed-core type. (B) shell-type. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-18. Autotransformer with output selector. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-19. Autotransformer with input selector. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-20. Autotransformer with dual selectors. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-21. The valve tube. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-22. Systems of half-wave rectification. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-23. Full-wave rectification. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-24. Spinning-top test. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-25. Patterns of voltage ripple. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-26. Comparison of two-pulse and 12-pulse patterns. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Three-Phase - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 2-27. Comparison of anode heat patterns with single-phase and three-phase systems. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Exercises - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500074
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500075
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500076
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500077
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500078
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500079
Solutions - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500080
Lesson Assignment - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500081
Lesson 3. X-Ray Circuits and Tubes - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
X-ray tube filament circuits - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-1. Autotransformer. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
High-tension circuit - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
The secondary high-tension (SHT) circuit - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
The timer or control circuit - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-4. Timer (S) circuit. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Circuitry in a Typical X-Ray Machine - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-5. A typical X-ray machine electrical circuitry. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Section II. X-Ray Tubes - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Development of X-Ray Tubes - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-7. Production of x-rays by electrons striking the glass wall of the tube. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-8. Copper anode used to help dissipate heat. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-9. Rotating anode used to dissipate heat. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-10. Actual focal spot and effective focal spot. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-12. Anode heel effect. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-13. Anode heel effect and focus-film distance. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-14. Target angle and x-ray coverage. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-15. Effect of conventional and grid-controlled tubes. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Rating Charts - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Rating Chart Selection - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-16. Two tube rating charts for the same tube, using large and small focal spots. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Anode-cooling chart - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 3-17. Typical anode cooling chart. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Exercises - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500106
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500107
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500108
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500109
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500110
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500111
Solutions - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500112
Lesson Assignment - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500113
Lesson 4. X-Ray Safety. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 4-1. Representative parallel circuit. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Effects of Resistance - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Grounding - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Rescue of Electrical Shock Victims - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Section II. Radiation-Interaction of Photos and Matter - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 4-3. Ionization of an atom. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 4-5. Comptom effect. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Section III. Radiation-Detection and Measurement - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Total dose and dose rate - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 4-7. Ion chamber. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Film badge - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Section IV. Radiation-Protection - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 4-8. Penetration power of photons of various energy levers. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 4-9. Various shielding materials and their relative effectiveness. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 4-10. Relative shielding effectiveness of various thicknesses of concrete. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 4-11. The 5 nitrogen bases found in DNA. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 4-12. Segment of DNA molecule unwound. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Figure 4-13. Deoxyribonuciel molecule in replication. - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
How Ionizing Radiation Affects Deoxyribonuclei - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Radiosensitivity of Cells - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Radiosensitivity of Species - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Units of Radiation Dosage - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Maximum permissible dose - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Section VII. Radiation-Biological Effects - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Acute radiation syndrome - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Chronic effects - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Section VIII. Practicing Radiation Protection - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Protection for the Patient - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
High-kVp Technique - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Protection for Others - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Exercises - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500145
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500146
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500147
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500148
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500149
Exercises (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500150
Solutions - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics - md09500151
Appendix. Radiation Therapy Guidelines - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Example of Emergency Procedures for Failure of Gamma-Beam Control Mechanism - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics
Example of Emergency Procedures for Failure of Gamma-Beam Control Mechanism (cont) - Fundamentals of X-Ray Physics