Lesson 1. Introduction to Operational Rations - Operational Rations ISection II. Types of Rations - Operational Rations IUnitized Tray Pack (T-Ration) - Operational Rations IProduct Characteristics. - Operational Rations I - MD07180011Unitized Group Ration - Operational Rations IThe UGR--A version. - Operational Rations IAdditional information. - Operational Rations IMeal Ready-to-Eat - Operational Rations IMeal, Religious, Kosher or Halal - Operational Rations IProduct Characteristics. - Operational Rations I - MD07180017Go-to-war-ration - Operational Rations IRation, cold weather - Operational Rations IFood Packet, Long Range Patrol - Operational Rations IMeal, cold weather/food pavket, long range patrol. - Operational Rations ITailored operational training meal - Operational Rations IPurpose. - Operational Rations IHumanitarian Daily Ration - Operational Rations IHumanitarian Pouched Meal - Operational Rations IFood Packet, Survival, General Purpose, Improved - Operational Rations IFood Packet, Survival, Abandon Ship (candy) (old version) - Operational Rations IFood Packet, Survival, Abandon Ship (Cereal Bars) - Operational Rations IFood Packet, Survival, Aircraft, Life Raft - Operational Rations IMedical Diet Field Feeding Supplement to the Unitized Group Ration - Operational Rations IProduct Characteristics. - Operational Rations I - MD07180031Arctic Supplement to the Unitized Group Ration - Operational Rations I Shelf Stable Pouch Bread - Operational Rations IMeal, Alternative Regionally Customized - Operational Rations IHeater Meals - Operational Rations IExercises - Operational Rations I - MD07180036Exercises (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180037Exercises (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180038Exercises (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180039Exercises (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180040Exercises (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180041Solutions to Exercises - Operational Rations I - MD07180042Lesson Assignment - Operational Rations I - MD07180043Lesson 2. Basic Operational Rations Inspection Guidance - Operational Rations IDefense Supply Center Philadelphia Handbook - Operational Rations IInspection Test Date Extensions - Operational Rations IInspection Equipment. - Operational Rations IVetcom handbook 40-4, Medical Services Meal, Ready-to-Eat Inspection Requirements Handbook - Operational Rations ITable 2-1. Operational Rations Inspection Procedures Table of Contents. - Operational Rations IAdditional References for Operational Rations - Operational Rations ISection III. Inspection Information - Operational Rations IServiceability - Operational Rations IIn-Storage Inspection - Operational Rations IWarranty Inspection. - Operational Rations IMarking and Identification of Inspected Supplies - Operational Rations IQuality History Records - Operational Rations ISection V. Databases - Operational Rations IDiagram and Chart Terms - Operational Rations IFood Inspection Terms - Operational Rations IIndustry-Processing Terms - Operational Rations IProcess Capability - Operational Rations IMathematical Terms - Operational Rations ICondition Coding - Operational Rations IMeal/Menu - Operational Rations IMeal, Ready-to-Eat Lot Serviceability - Operational Rations IStatistical Sampling Terms - Operational Rations IAttribute - Operational Rations IMinor Defect - Operational Rations ISample - Operational Rations IExercises - Operational Rations I - MD07180070Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180071Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180072Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180073Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180074Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180075Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180076Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180077Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180078Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180079Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180080Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180081Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180082Solutions to Exercises - Operational Rations I - MD07180083Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180084Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180085Lesson Assignment - Operational Rations I - MD07180086Lesson 3. Inspection of Meals, Ready-to-Eat. - Operational Rations IStep 2: Determine Lot Size. - Operational Rations I - MD07180088Step 3: Inspect Shipping Containers and Selection of Menu Samples. - Operational Rations IStep 4: Perform Closed Package Inspection of the Menu Bags. - Operational Rations IStep 6: Perform Destructive Open Package Inspection - Operational Rations IStep 7: Determine if Special Inspection is Required. Special inspection - Operational Rations IFigure 3-1. Example monograph. - Operational Rations ISpecial Inspection Procedures - Operational Rations IInspection Tables - Operational Rations I - MD07180095Table 3-1. Sampling criteria for inspection of shipping containers (normal inspection). - Operational Rations ITable 3-3. Inspection of shipping containers. - Operational Rations ITable 3-5. Sampling criteria for inspection of menu bags and contents including accessory bags and contents (special inspection). - Operational Rations ITable 3-7. Closed package inspection of food components and accessory bag items. - Operational Rations ITable 3-8. Sampling Criteria for destructive open package inspection (dopi) (normal inspection). - Operational Rations ITable 3-10. Destructive open package inspection. - Operational Rations ITable K Specific Defect Codes - Operational Rations ITable K Specific Defect Codes (Cont) - Operational Rations ITable 3-11. Specific defect codes. - Operational Rations ITable L. Contractor Abbreviations (ABV) - Operational Rations ITable 3-12. Contractor abbreviations (ABV). - Operational Rations ITable M Component and Classification List - Operational Rations ITable M Component and Classification List (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180108Table M Component and Classification List (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180109Table 3-13. Component and classification list. - Operational Rations ITable 3-14. Condition code criteria for defects from special inspection results - Operational Rations ITable 3-15. Excerpt from Table S, Meals, Ready-to-Eat, Individual Menus. - Operational Rations ICompletion of Inspection Records - Operational Rations I - MD07180113Table 3-5. Sampling criteria for inspection of menu bags and contents including accessory bags and contents - Operational Rations INonconformance Summary - Operational Rations IDistribution. - Operational Rations I - MD07180116Figure 3-2. DSCP Form 5117 (front). - Operational Rations IFigure 3-2. DSCP Form 5117 (back). - Operational Rations IExercises - Operational Rations I - MD07180119Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180120Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180121Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180122Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180123Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180124Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180125Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180126Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180127Solutions to Exercises - Operational Rations I - MD07180128Solutions to Exercises (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180129Lesson Assignment - Operational Rations I - MD07180130Lesson 4. Inspection of Unitized Group Rations--Heat & Serve and Tray Pack Rations - Operational Rations IStep 2: Determine Lot Size. - Operational Rations I - MD07180132Step 3: Inspect Shipping Containers. - Operational Rations IStep 4: Perform Closed Package Inspection of Module Contents. - Operational Rations IStep 5: Perform Destructive Open Package Inspection. - Operational Rations IFigure 4-1. Example monograph. - Operational Rations ISpecial Inspections of Unitized Group Rations-Heat & Serve - Operational Rations IStep 2: Determine Sample Size for Each Component and Select Sample Modules - Operational Rations IMetal Tray Pack - Operational Rations IVacuum Defects. - Operational Rations IInspection Tables - Operational Rations I - MD07180141Table 4-1. Sampling criteria for normal inspection of shipping containers - Operational Rations ITable 4-4. sample criteria for special inspection of module contents. - Operational Rations ITable 4-6. Defects for polymeric trays. - Operational Rations ITable 4-7. Defects for metal containers other than trays. - Operational Rations ITable I Defects for Flexible Pouches - Operational Rations ITable 4-9. Defects for flexible pouches. (Concluded) - Operational Rations ITable 4-10. Defects for envelopes (packets). - Operational Rations ITable 4-12. DOPI Defects. - Operational Rations ITable M Specific Defect Codes - Operational Rations ITable M Specific Defect Codes (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180151Table M Specific Defect Codes (cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180152Table 4-14. Condition code criteria for defects from special inspection results - Operational Rations ITable P Component and Classification List - Operational Rations ITable P Component and Classification List (cont) - Operational Rations ITable 4-15. Component and classification list. - Operational Rations ITable 4-16. Contractor abbreviations. - Operational Rations ICompletion of Inspection Records - Operational Rations I - MD07180158Instructions for Completion of DSCP Form 5117, Report of Inspection on Operational Rations - Operational Rations IInstructions for Completion of DSCP Form 5117, Report of Inspection on Operational Rations (Cont) - Operational Rations IDistribution. - Operational Rations I - MD07180161Figure 4-2. Addresses for reporting. - Operational Rations IExercises - Operational Rations I - MD07180163Exercises (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180164Exercises (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180165Exercises (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180166Exercises (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180167Exercises (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180168Solutions to Exercises - Operational Rations I - MD07180169Solutions to Exercises (Cont) - Operational Rations I - MD07180170Operational Rations I